Plant Breeding

Plant breeding importance

Plant breeding involves collective use of an art and science for changing and improving the heredity of plant, it involve purposeful manipulation of plant species for developing desired plant types that are better suited for cultivation, give better yield and also disease resistance. The other objectives of plant breeding are improvements in the quality, tolerance limit to environmental stresses (like salinity, drought and extreme temperatures), resistance to pathogen and pests. It also help in development of specific characters of agronomic importance in different crops like Dwarfness, intensive branching, reduction in dormancy period. 
Plant breeding in laboratory
Uses of plant breeding

How to do plant breeding? 

Following steps

1) Collection of variability

Variations are the difference seen among individual of a species or population, for a particular characters. Such genetic variation are heritable and are useful in selection. In many plant genetic variation are available as Pre-existing characters in wild relative of the crop. 
The entire collection of plant and seeds having all diverse alleles for all genes in particular crop is called Germplas collection. 

2) Evaluation and selection of parents

It is an important and essential operation in all breeding programme. The collected Germplasm is now evaluated to identify the plant bearing desirable combination of character. Such identified plant are selected and then used in the process of hybridization. Purelines are created wherever desirable and possible. 

3) Cross Hybridization among the selected parents

Hybridization is the crossing of two selected plant differing from each other genotypically in one or more characters, for example high protein quality of one parents and the disease resistance ability of other parents. 
Through hybridization it is possible to combine useful characters, which are generally scattered in different races or varieties, in a single variety. 
Hybridization also help us in exploiting and utilizing the hybrid vigour.
Uses of plant breeding
Emasculation of flowers

4) Selection and selfing of superior recombinant

The progeny of the hybrid are observed for the desirable combination of character. Such plant are selected and carefully obsorved and scientifically evaluated for the success of breeding objectives. The plant which are superior to both the parents and exhibit hybrid vigour are collected. Such plant are self pollinated for a few successive generation to get homozygosity. 

5) Testing, release and commercialization of new cultivarscultivars

The newly selected lines are evaluated for their productivity and other agronomic characters like disease resistance, quality of crop etc. 
In the beginning such evaluation is done by growing these plant in research field under controlled and ideal conditions of fertilizer application, irrigation and usual crop management practices etc. And their performance is recorded . 
Such plant are then grown in natural fields for at least three growing season in different agroclimatic zones of the country where the crop is usually cultivated. 
All such test are carried out by an expert agencies like ICAR(Indian Council for Agricultural Research) in India. 
Variety release Committee recommends the release of improved variety under new name with  the permission of the government.

Uses and importance of plant breeding

1) Plant breeding for disease Resistance

In tropical agricultural region number of pathogen like fungi, bacteria and viruses cause different disease to the crop plant and this often results in a significant decrease in crop field. Such disease can be controlled by various physical, chemical and biological method but most effective, cheapest and convenient method is to produce disease resistance varieties. This is not only help in enhancing the food production but also reduce the dependence on use of chemical pesticides. 

2) Plant breeding for improved food qualit

A far greater number of people suffer from protein, vitamin and micronutrients deficiency because they are unable to afford the required fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. The diet, without proper contents of micronutrients like iron, vitamin-A, zinc and iodine, make the people susceptible to disease, reduce the average life span and reduce mental ability.
Importance of plant breeding
Plant breeding in tomato

3) Biofortification

It is a method of breeding crops to increase their nutritional value. Biofortification focuses on making plant food more nutritious. 

Milan Tomic

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