Methods of #Training and #pruning of fruit crop

Objectives of training and Pruning

1) Training and pruning mainly done in horticulture crop, it is grown for their produce such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, medicinal components. 
2) To maintain the quality and quantity of horticulture crop. 
3) training is the operation performed on a plant was by orderly framework
4) the important object of training is to admit adequate sunlight and air to the center of the tree and to expose maximum leaf area to the sun, to limit growth and spread of the tree so that various cultural operations such as spraying and harvesting are performed easily. 
5) it also help to build framework and arrangements of branches. 
6) pruning refers to removal of plant part with an object to get better yield and quality of fruit.
7) the pruning is practiced in order to maintain the growth and vigour of the tree and maintain a balance between the vegetative vigour and fruitfulness.
8) it help to regulate the size and quality of fruit

1) Training:- 

Training is the process in which cutting of the part of plant to give shape, support and proper growth and management of plant. 

Methods of Training

There are three main methods of Training

A] The central leader

- in this system, a tree is trained to form a trunk extending from the surface of soil to the top of the tree. 
- in different kinds of tree, the central axis or main branches grow naturally grow vertically upwards and smaller side branches grow from it in various directions. 
- if the central leader branch is allowed to grow indefinitely, it will grow more rapidly and vigorously than the side branches resulting close center and tall tree. 
-such tree bear the fruit more vigorously near the top. 
- the lower branches in which remains more are less shades are ultimately less vigorous and less fruitful. 
The central leader- Training

B] The Open Center System

-in the open center system of training, the trained steam is allowed to grow only up to a certain height by heading and growth of lateral branches are occurs
-it results in the plant is small and closer to the ground 
-open center system allow full of sunshine to reach each branch 
- such trained trees, are more fruitful and greatly facilitate operations like spraying, thinning and harvesting.
The open center system- Training

C]  The Modified Leader

- it is intermediate between the two is the modified leader system. 
- it is developed by first training the tree to the leader type allowing the central steam to grow unhampered for the first or five years. 
-Then central steam is headed back and lateral branches are allowed to grow as in the open center system. 
- This result in a fairly strong and moderately spreading tree.
The Modified leader system- Training

2) pruning:-

To admit more sunlight, removal of unproductive branches which are producing few or no fruit and also keep plant in its proper vigour, to obtain optimum yield of good quality and quantity of fruit. 

Methods of Pruning

A) The Thinning out

- it is also known as deshooting
- this refers to the branches entirely from its base leaving no stub or it means complete removal of lateral branches. 

B) The Heading Back

-This methods encourage spreading of growth, bushiness, and compact plant by cutting back of terminal portion of a branch to a bud. 
- it is also called as punching 
- by removing of the terminal portion of twig, 

Heading back system- pruning


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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