Scope and importance of horticulture


The word Horticulture is derived from the Latin word Hortus meaning enclosure (garden)
and culture meaning cultivation. Thus, Horticulture means culture or cultivation of garden
Enclosed places were used to grow fruit, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants.
Therefore, in the original sense, “Horticulture refers to cultivation of garden plants within
protected enclosures”
Horticulture may be broadly defined as the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables,
flowers and crops like spices condiments and other plantation crops.
Horticulture according to modern science is the cultivation, processing and utilization of a
number of crops such as fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, plantation crops, spices, medicinal,
aromatic plants and mushrooms
Branches of Horticulture:
Horticulture is a wide field which includes a great variety and diversity of crops. The science
of horticulture can be divided into several branches depending upon the crops it deals with.
The branches of horticulture can be broadly classified as under:

Main Branches:

1) Pomology: Pomology is a branch of horticulture which deals with the cultivation of fruit

2) Olericulture: Olericulture is a branch of horticulture which deals with the cultivation of

3) Floriculture: Floriculture is a branch of horticulture which deals with the cultivation of

4) Plantation crops, Spices, Condiments.

a) Plantation crops: Tropical crops grown area on a large scale by a uniform system of
cultivation under central management and centered around a factory are called plantation
crops. Eg tea, coffee, coconut, palms etc.
b) Spice crops: Spices are dried vegetable substances which are used for seasoning food and
imparting distinctive flavor and fragrance that gives zest or piquancy for enjoyment. eg.

Another sub branches of horticulture can be roughly classified as under:

1) Medicinal and Aromatic plants.

a) Medicinal plants: Medicinal plants are rich source of alkaloids and steroids having

prophylactic or curative properties for treatments in several diseases and are used in
pharmaceutical industries for preparing medicines for human beings and animals (veterinary
medicines) eg. Vinca, Isabgol etc.
b) Aromatic plants: Aromatic plants are the plants which provide essential oils and are in great
demand in cosmetic and perfumery industries. eg. Lemon grass, Patchouli etc.
2) Ornamental gardening: It is the branch of horticulture which deals with the study of
growing of ornamental foliage and flowering trees, shrubs, climbers, seasonal flowers, cacti,
orchids, indoor and outdoor garden plants.
3) Landscape gardening: It deals with planting of different types of ornamentals which create
a picturesque effect by imitating nature in garden.
4) Nursery management: There is a scientific study for the production of plants in nurseriet

Horticultural crops and Human Nutrition 

Fruits and vegetables play an important role in balanced diet. These provide not only
energy rich food but also provide vital protective nutrients/elements and vitamins. Comparatively
fruits and vegetables are the cheapest source of natural nutritive foods. Since most of Indians are
vegetarians, the incorporation of horticulture produce in daily diet is essential for good health.
With the growing awareness and inclination towards vegetarianism worldwide the horticulture
crops are gaining tremendous importance.
Functions of fruits and vegetables in human body:
1. Fruits and vegetables provide palatability, taste, improve appetite and provide fibre
thereby the constipation can be overcome.
2. They neutralize the acids produced during digestion of proteins and fatty acids.
3. They improve the general immunity of human body against diseases, deficiencies etc.
4. They are the important source of vitamins and minerals for used in several bio-chemical
reactions occur in body.


Fruits provide higher energy value per unit area compared to cereals. Some of the essential
nutrients provided by different fruits are:
Vitamins/ Minerals
Role in human body Source


1. Essential for growth and reproduction.
2. Helps in resistance to infections, increases longevity and decreases senility.
3. Deficiency causes, night blindness, xeropthalmia, retardation in growth, roughness in skin,
formation of stones in kidney. Eg. Mango, Papaya, Persimon, Dates, Jack fruit, Walnut, Oranges,
Passion fruit, Loquât etc.

Vitamin – B2

1. Important for growth, health of skin and for respiration in poorly vascularised tissue such as
the cornea.
2. Deficiency causes pellagra and alopecia, loss of appetite, loss of weight, sore throat,
development of cataract, swollen nose and baldness. Eg. Bael, Papaya, Litchi, Pomegranate,
Wood apple and Pineapple.

Vitamin – C

1. Deficiency causes scurvy, pain in joints, swelling of limbs, unhealthy gums, tooth decay, delay
in wound healing and rheumatism. Eg. Barbados cherry, Aonla, Guava, Lime, Lemon, Sweet
oranges, Ber, Pineapple and Pear.

Vitamin – B1

1 . Essential for the maintains of good appetite and normal digestion.
2. Necessary for growth, fertility, lactation and for normal functioning of nervous system.
3. Deficiency causes beri-beri, paralysis, loss the sensitivity of skin, enlargement of heart, loss
of appetite and fall in body temperature. Eg. Walnut, Apricot, Apple, Banana, Grapefruit, Plum

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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